
Let There Be Peace On Earth Hymnal

Let There Be Peace On Earth Hymnal is a collection of hymns that promote peace, unity, and understanding. It includes both traditional and modern tunes that focus on themes of peace, joy, justice, and reconciliation. The hymnal is meant to inspire people to work together to create a better world. **Question: What is the purpose of the hymnal?** The purpose of the hymnal is to promote peace, unity, and understanding, and to inspire people to work together to create a better world.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. “We'd have no fighting and no wars, there wouldbe lasting peace on earth”The line above means ....A. fighting and war make lasting peace on earthif there is no fighing and no war, the world willbe peaceC. the world is a nice place to liveD. the world is so wild​


B. If there is no fighing and no war, the world will be peace

Sorry if that answer wrong


B. If there is no fighting and no war, the world will be peace


Tanpa adanya pertempuran dan peperangan maka kedamaian akan ada selamanya di muka bumi.

2. okay. we'll meet at 9 there. be there on time. don't let me wait too long

Oke.Kita akan bertemu di jam 9,Datanglah tepat waktu,Jangan membuatku menunggu terlalu lama.Oke.Kita akan bertemu jam 9 disana.Datanglah tepat waktu.Jangan membiarkanku menunggu terlalu lama

3. if there (be) oxygen on earth, life as we know it (exist, not)....

if there is no oxygen on earth, life as we know it is not exist

4. 1. can we live on mars , and is there water on mars?2. was mars used to be like earth?​


1. scientist is still looking for ways to live on earth,

There is water on mars,But it exist in the form of ice

2.Im not sure

Sorry for bad English

Hope it's help


1. We probably can't live on Mars. This stated by some scientists mentioned that Mars there aren't fresh air so humans can't live there.

On Mars, there aren't water but it just a form of ice.

2. Mars aren't merely close like Earth because Mars doesn't have any close similarity to Earth so Mars aren't same like Earth


Planet Mars tidak sama seperti Bumi seperti diteliti oleh para peneliti salah satunya air membeku di Mars karena suhunya sangat dingin dan tidak ada udara maka kemungkinan kecil untuk manusia tinggal di Mars. Probabilitas besar, planet Mars tidak persis seperti Bumi dan tidak bisa disebut sama seperti Bumi

Semoga membantu ya...

5. 4 What are there we can find on earth?Answer:​


river, mountain, hill, waterfall, rice field, beack, etc

6. which structures on earth do you think can be seen from outer space​

Jawaban:The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

The Grand Canyon, USA.

The Himalayas.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

Amazon River.

Ganges River Delta.

Greenhouses of Almería, Spain.

Penjelasan: smoga membantu

7. what would you do if you knew there would soon be an earquake qand this could be your last day on earth

I would repent and say sorry to my family and friends If i knew there would soon be an earthquake, i would gather my family and spend my last time with them. And of course, I would pray to Allah to erase my sins and my family's sins and hopefully we wouldn't get hard pain when we had to face Allah's will.

Arti : 
Jika saya mengetahui akan ada gempa bumi, saya akan mengumpulkan keluarga saya dan menghabiskan waktu terakhir saya dengan mereka. Dan tentu saja, saya akan berdoa kepada Allah untuk menghapus dosa-dosa saya dan dosa-dosa keluarga saya dan berharap dengan amat sangat kami kami tidak akan mendapatkan kesakitan yang teramat berat ketika harus menghadapi kehendak Allah.

Soal di atas berbentuk conditional sentence type II, sehingga jawabannya pun harus berbentuk past future tense.

8. if there (be)_____ no oxygen on earth, life as we know it (exist,not) _______

if there is no oxygen on earh, life as we know it will not exist

9. terjemahan inggris ke indonesia once apon a time, there were no rivers and lakes on earth

pada suatu hari , di bumi tidak ada sungai dan danau

semangat !!!Pada Zaman Dahulu / Pada suatu ketika, Bumi tidak memiliki air. (rivers and lake, sungai dan danau digabungkan jadi air).

10. 2. What is the most important source of light for all organisms on Earth?3. Briefly describe what the Earth would be like if there were no Sun.​


2.The Sun

3.Crops would not grow and organisme will most certainly extinct

11. Tolonggg lah kk ini kumpul sekarang ini BHS INGGRIS Ini tesknya Earth is a planet a place where we live. The shape of the earth is round. On the earth there are mountains, valleys, rivers, seas, hills, lands, lowlands, deserts, Savannah, plateau, etc. There are also five continents. They are asia, america, africa, Australia, and europa. On the earth there is water area too. The largest water is ocean. There are five oceans on the earth. They are Pacific, atlantic,Indian,Arctic, and Antarctic ocean ​


1. yes, we can

2. asia, europe, australia, africa, america

3. there are five on the earth

4 we live on the earth

5. the shape of the earth is round


1.yes,we can

2.There are 5 continents, namely the continents of Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Europe

3.there are 5 oceans on earth

4.on earth

5.the shape of the earth is round

12. Explain what would happen if there is no gravity force on Earth!​


Humans and other objects will become weightless without gravity. If we have no gravity force, the atmosphere would disappear into space, the moon would collide with the earth, the earth would stop rotating, we would all feel weightless, the earth would collide with the sun, and as a consequence. We would all perish.

hope the answer is help

13. what would you do if you knew there would soon be an earthquake and this could be your last day on earth

I would have resigned themselves to the fate that has been set by Allah

14. if there (be) oxygen on earth, life as we know it (exist, not).....

If there was no oxygen on earth, life as we know it didn't existif there is no oxygen omn earth, life as we know it doesn't exist

15. Arti Dari "I Know You're Somewhere Out There, Soewhere Far Away" Nt : Rest On Peace T-T

aku tau kamu di suatu tempat di luar sana, di suatu tempat yang jauh

maaf klo kurang jelas


bahasa Indonesia:

Saya Tahu Anda Di Suatu Tempat Di Luar Sana Di Suatu Tempat Yang Jauh

16. must fall if falling there must be around here let us find dalam bahasa indonesia

Bahasa Inggris :
"Must fall if falling there must be around here let us find."
Terjemahkan :
"Harus jatuh terjatuh pasti ada disekitar sini mari kita cari."
(Jika kalimat tersebut tidak tepat, mungkin anda salah ketik bahasa inggrisnya tersebut, sehingga artinya tidak sesuai)

Maaf jika ada kesalahan.

17. What would you do if you knew there would soon be an earthquake and this could be your last day on earth?

I want to say sorry to my mom, dad, all my family and all my friends.And do all what i want to do.

18. 3. What are there on earth?​


What Are there on earth






Apa yang ada di bumi?







Maaf Kalau Salah

19. how many oceans are there on the earth

Berapa banyak lautan yang ada di bumithere are 3 main oceans:
1. Atlantic ocean
2. pacific ocean
3. indian ocean


20. what would you do if you knew there would soon be an earthquake and this could be your last day on earth?

I Will Say Thanks To God Because He Make I Can Life Until From I Was A Baby Then Now I'm A Teenagers....And Can Know What Is Life....If this will be my last day on earth and there is still time i will always do good and make other people happily,and be survive of course.

^^glad to help^^

Let There Be Peace On Earth Hymnal. There are any Let There Be Peace On Earth Hymnal in here.

Quotes From Dear Martin

Quotes From Dear Martin is a book written by Nic Stone, which tells the story of Justyce McAllister, a high school senior who is trying to make sense of the world around him. Justyce reflects on the world through a series of quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. which help him to figure out his place in the world. **What themes does Dear Martin explore?** Dear Martin explores themes of identity, racism, justice, and the power of words. Justyce's journey is one of self-discovery as he navigates the complexities of the world around him, and learns to find his voice and stand up for what he believes in.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. Fanani: you look so happy, Martin. Martin: my uncle came from German last night.

Answer (Terjemahan maaf klo slh) =
Fanani = Kamu terlihat sangat bahagia, Martin.
Martin = Paman ku datang dari Jerman tadi malam.

Sorry if wrong :)
Fanani: you look so happy, Martin.
Martin: my uncle came from German last night.
1. Fanani : kamu terlihat bahagia, Martin.
2. Martin : pamanku datang dari German malam ini ^•^

maaf kalau salah^•^ : jgn lupa follow dan like^_^

2. Where...(martin/come)from?he's scottish simple present


Where does Martin come from?


Simple present tidak menggunakan verb2/3 hanya memakai verb 1, untuk melengkapi nya diperlukan does, dimana does ini merujuk kepada 1 individu, semoga membantu

3. What is one lesson that can be learned from the text hyperinflation ? Support your answer with quotes from the textxplain your quotes and your argument thoroughly,​



e Apa satu pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari teks hiperinflasi? Dukung jawaban Anda dengan kutipan dari teks, jelaskan kutipan dan argumen Anda secara

4. tolong tuliskan quotes quotes perpisahan sekolah​


1.“Sesungguhnya, perihnya perpisahan tidaklah seberapa dibanding dengan bahagianya pertemuan. Apalagi pertemuan baru setelah perpisahan itu.”

2.“Perpisahan bukanlah akhir dari kehidupan. Tetapi langkah awal seberapa kuat kita meneruskan kehidupan ini tanpanya.”

3.“Terkadang, pertemuan dan perpisahan terjadi terlalu cepat. Namun kenangan dan perasaan tinggal terlalu lama.”


Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya kak^^

5. QuoteS tentang seorang pelajar

Pintar itu biasa, jujur itu luar biasapintar kebutuhan.jujur mata uang dimana mana

6. All Dio quotes in english -Evil antagonist from the anime called Jojo's Bizzare Adventure chapt 3 :))))


All Dio quotes in english

-Evil antagonist from the anime called Jojo's Bizzare Adventure chapt 3

[tex] \: [/tex]


Dio quotes :

I Don't Let Anyone Swagger Over Me!Go Out There And Take This Useless World For All You Can Get.The More Carefully You Scheme, The More Unexpected Events Come Along.Oh? You're Approaching Me?[tex] \: [/tex]explanation

When Dio stops time with his stand The World he uses the phrases sometimes he puts them together for example which means The World!



7. Apa arti dari quotes ini?

Kita diciptakan oleh cinta supaya kita bisa mencintai. Kita diciptakan untuk menciptakan. Selama engkau hidup, hiduplah sebagai dirimu sendiri. Siapapun orang cantik itu.

8. apa yang dimaksud quotes

Kata kata bijak atau kata kata mutiara
Semoga MembantuSuatu Kata-kata bijak atau kata-kata mutiara yang memotivasi seseorang.



1)Novel adalah sebuah karangan prosa panjang, yang mengandung susunan cerita kehidupan seseorang dengan orang yang berada di sekitarnya.


Semoga dapat membantu :)

10. 31. From the text we know that..... teks dear sarah​


From the text we know that anda salah sambung

11. quotes tentang keluarga dong

"hanya keluargalah yang akan benar benar menjaga dan melindungi kita serumit apa pun keadaan yang sedang kita alami"

maaf kalau tidak tepat :)
tanpa sebuah keluarga, manusia sendiri di dunia, gemetar dalam dingin 

12. quotes tentang Persahabatan

persahabatan itu gak memilih. persahabatan bukan didasari oleh gender, usia, motif, atau apapun itu. karena persahabatan yang tulus gak harus punya alasan(:

13. Martin is from Papua. Dressing in a pink t-M Martinshirt, Martin looks strong and healthy. Healways drinks a glass of milk every morn-ing. He is tall. His hair is curly. He is kindand good boy in the class.Do You Know MARTIN?1. Is Martin a tall boy?​

Do You Know MARTIN?

answer : l do, he is from Papua

1. ls Martin a tall boy?

answer : Yes,he isatall boy

14. Apa pengertian dari quotes ?

Pengertian kutipan (quote) adalah suatu kalimat atau ucapan yang dianggap menarik yang berisikan ide, pendapat atau gagasan seseorang. Kata Quote merupakan sebuah kata tunggal dalam bahasa inggris yang berarti sebuah kutipan atau petikan. Sedangkan dalam bentuk jamak adalah quotes yang berarti kutipan²


Pengertian kutipan (quote) adalah suatu kalimat atau ucapan yang dianggap menarik yang berisikan ide, pendapat atau gagasan seseorang. Dalam sebuah karya tulis, umumnya kutipan dijadikan bahan acuan atau sumber referensi untuk memperkuat, menambah dan memperjelas tulisan.


maaf kalo salah

15. quotes tentang persahabatan​

Sahabat sejati bukanlah mereka yang memiliki banyak persamaan, tapi mereka yang memiliki pengertian terhadap setiap perbedaan.

16. apa itu quotes body?

mengutipp Tubuh?,Mungkin Tpi gak Tau Ktang mengutip tubuh (semoga benar ya)

17. Apa arti dari quotes ?


Quotes itu Bahasa inggris yang artinya adalah Motivasi buat kita agar kita terus semangat dan berjuang dalam menhadapi kesusahan maupun kesedihan

Semoga membantu :')

Jangan lupa like rate dan follow yah

Jangan lupa juga follow Instagram Aku @brandontanaka_

Terus semangat yah dalam belajar

Tuhan memberkatimu!!

18. arti can you fetch the ladder from the storeroom,dear

bisakah kamu mengambil tangga dari gudang, sayang?Bisakah kamu mengambil tangga dari gudang, sayang?

19. Dear ling Congratula tian on you birthday from edo​




maaf kalo salah salah wksk

20. quotes tentang globalisasi

Manusia yg cerdas dalam era globalisasi ialah orang yang pandai & bijak bendung pengaruh buruk dari globalisasi.
-Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Sumber :

Globalisasi kita ikuti, dan akan membawa perubahan-perubahan dalam diri maupun lingkungan. Jangan hanya diikuti tapi juga perlu upaya dengan pemikiran kritis dan terbuka. Agar tidak selamanya kita hidup mengikuti kehidupan bangsa lain.
-by Me:"

Quotes From Dear Martin. There are any Quotes From Dear Martin in here.

Explain To Death Crossword

Explaining the Death Crossword

What is a Death Crossword?

A death crossword is a type of crossword puzzle designed to challenge and test the knowledge and skills of the solver. The puzzle typically features a grid of black and white squares, with the words to be guessed written in black ink. In order to complete the puzzle, the solver must correctly guess the words in the grid. The puzzle may also include clues and other elements to help the solver solve the puzzle.

How to Solve a Death Crossword

Solving a death crossword requires a combination of logic, wordplay, and deduction. The solver must use the clues and other clues to narrow down the possibilities for each word in the grid. Once the words have been guessed, the solver must then use the words to complete the puzzle.

Common Strategies for Solving Death Crosswords

When solving a death crossword, it is important to use a variety of strategies. Some common strategies for solving death crosswords include:

1. Start with the Clues:

Start by reading the clues and identifying any patterns or key words. This will help narrow down the possibilities for each word in the grid.

2. Identify Patterns:

Look for patterns in the grid, such as recurring letters, words, or symbols. These patterns can provide clues to the words in the grid.

3. Analyze the Grid:

Analyze the grid and look for any possible solutions. This can help narrow down the possibilities and make it easier to solve the puzzle.

4. Make Connections:

Look for connections between the words in the grid and the clues. This can help the solver make deductions and figure out the words in the grid.

Advantages of Solving Death Crosswords

Solving death crosswords can have many advantages. These puzzles can help improve problem-solving skills, wordplay skills, and critical thinking skills. They can also be a fun and challenging way to pass the time.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. tts back to school crossword pulze

tts kembali ke teka-teki silang sekolah

2. mau tanya bahasa inggris sampai mati yang benar itu until death apa to death

until death, menurut sayakalau diterjemah secara kasar sih ya.. until
sampai=until, mati=death

tapi, orang bule kalo ngomong "sampe mati" sih to death. contoh:
"I love you to death." bukan "I love you until death."

semoga membantu :)

3. apa arti dari bored to death

Artinya adalah bosan untuk matibored to death : bosan untuk mati

4. asking repetition,explain to me

asking repitition itu pernyataan untuk mengulang sesuatu
asking nya: pardom me, could you repeat again please, would you be louder please, sorry what did you say, sorry i can't hear you, i am sorry i didn't catch what you said
responding nya: all right, oke, sure of course, listen it well
#semoga bermanfaatasking repetition means you ask someone to repeat what they just said. misalnya kamu sedang mengobrol dengan temanmu dan tdk menyimak baik apa yang dia katakan. kamu pasti akan bilang "maaf,tadi kamu bilang apa?". atau bisa juga terjadi ketika temanmu bicara kurang jelas sehingga kamu memintanya utk mengulangi kalimat yang baru saja diucapkannya.

kalimat yang dapat digunakan utk meminta pengulangan antara lain ;
- excuse me?
- sorry,what did you say?
- can you repeat that?

contoh dialog:
Vera: Hey,tomorrow is my brother's birthday. What should I buy for a gift?
Nina: Okay how old is he?
Vera: Only 5 years old.
Nina: I think you should bought him a toy car...
Vera: Pardon me?
Nina: I said,maybe you should go buy him a toy car. It will makes him happy.
Vera: I think so,thanks for your suggestion,Nina!

5. "Death is nothing compared to my beliefs" #artinya ?​

Kematian tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan keyakinan saya


kematian tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan keyakinan saya

maaf kalo salah :')

6. explain the diffrence in the following vocabulary and give an example;die,died,dead,death


> die is verb (Kata kerja) that means is mati or meninggal

>died is past tense from the word die

>dead is adjective (Kata Sifat) that means is sesuatu yang meninggal

>death is Noun (Kata Benda) that means is Kematian


semoga bermanfaat

7. what is the meaning of the song "Death song by Aurora" can u explain it? ​


The lyrics of the song tell about a person who was going to be killed and finally was killed by someone. He/she was killed by a gun. The killer did that with no bad reason. He did it with mercy, instead. He wanted to free him/her from the awful things that came to life; it is not clear what those things are, probably a disease. It is a sad song, because someone has to kill a person that seems to be somebody he loves with a reason to let him/her free from his/her suffering.


8. explain why death rates have fallen in most countries in the world during the last century!

Death rates have fallen in most countries in the world during the last century because people were too busy doing fellatio and intercourse, rather than engage in actual war and canabis is proven to cure most sickness.the decline of death in most parts of the world because in most countries of the world it has been preoccupied with various things that can be done, rather than engaging in war.

9. Task 21 work together with your partner to complete this crossword puzzle








10. No. 9 di crossword ini apa?




Moh.Yamin adalah orang yanf menuliskan dan membaca teks sumpah pemuda pada tanggal 28 10 1928

11. Crossword.. Help me..

1. basketball
4. volleyball
10. baseball
7. football
8. judo
6. running
13. tennis
14. diving
15. fencing
17. golf
18. smiwmming
19. canoeing
20. riding

maaf acak dan ada yang belum.soalnya sekalian nentuin kolom wkwk

12. death reported to a polo putaran selama birthday​


death reported to a polo putaran selama birthday

13. When we asked to explain about ourselves, we are expected to explain


name, date of birht, age , address, school , parents job, hobby and ambition


you introduce yourself and explain everything about yourself

14. Try to explain about greeting​


artinya adalah : coba jelaskan tentang salam

semoga membantu ya (•‿•)


Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship (usually cordial) or social status (formal or informal) between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.



Formal Greeting

Hello! (Halo!)

Good morning. (Selamat pagi)

Good afternoon. (Selamat siang)

Good evening. (Selamat sore)

Good night. (Selamat malam)

Hello, how are you? (Halo apa kabarmu?)


Hello! (Halo!)

Good morning. (Selamat pagi)

Good afternoon (Selamat siang)

Good evening. (Selamat sore)

Good night. (Selamat malam)

I’m fine thank you. (Aku baik baik saja, terima kasih)

Informal Greetings

Hi! (Hai!)

What’s up? (Apa kabar?)

What’s news? (Apa yang baru?)

How’s everything? (Bagaimana semuanya?)

How’s it going? (Bagaimana sekarang?)

How’s business? (Bagaimana bisnis?)

Good to see you. (Senang bertemu kamu)


Hi. (Hai)

Just fine, thanks. (Baik-baik aja, terima kasih)

Great, thanks. (Luar biasa, terima kasih)

Pretty well. What about you? (Sangat baik, bagaimana denganmu?)

Good to see you too. (Senang bertemu denganmu juga)

15. Why was Phintias sentenced to death?

Mengapa Phintias dihukum mati?

16. Food Crossword Puzzle ​


FoodCrosswordPuzzleArtinyaTeka-teki silang makanan


17. Complete this crossword

Show the whole crossword.

18. explain the difference in the following vocabulary and give an example;die,died,dead,death


Die (Verb.)= pass from physical life or stop functioning.

Example; If your head hit something solid, you will die.

Died(Verb.)=Past form of Die.

Example; She almost died yesterday, believe me or not.

Dead(Adjective.)=no longer living or expecting to have life.

Example; That animal is dead for real.

Death(Noun.)=state of being dead.

Example; Our uncle's death really brings a great sadness to all of us.

19. explain the using of to be going to​


The expression be going to, followed by a verb in the infinitive, allows us to express an idea in the near future: I'm going to talk to him. Very soon I will talk to him.


jelaskan kegunaan dari to

Maaf ya, aku cuma bisa menerjemahkannya saja (❁´◡`❁)

20. 1 i love you to death? tolong jawab​


i love you to death?

artinya adalah

Aku mencintaimu sampai mati


maaf kalau salah jadikan aku jawaban tercerdas pliss lagi butuh banget


Explain To Death Crossword. There are any Explain To Death Crossword in here.

Purple Cat From Brown Bear

Introduction to Purple Cat From Brown Bear


Purple Cat from Brown Bear is a unique educational program designed to teach children about colors and animals. This program is geared towards children aged 2-4 and is an excellent way to introduce them to the world of colors and animals. Through fun activities, stories, and games, children learn about colors and animals in a fun and engaging way.


Purple Cat from Brown Bear offers a variety of benefits to children. First, it helps children develop an understanding of colors and animals in a fun and interactive way. Second, it can help children develop problem solving skills as they learn to identify colors and animals. Finally, it can help children develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world around them as they learn about animals and their habitats.


Purple Cat from Brown Bear offers a variety of activities for children to enjoy. These activities include story time, animal matching games, color matching games, and creative activities such as drawing and painting. All activities are designed to help children learn about colors and animals in a fun and engaging way.


Purple Cat from Brown Bear is an excellent educational program for children aged 2-4. Through fun activities, stories, and games, children learn about colors and animals in a fun and engaging way. This program can help children develop an understanding of colors and animals, problem solving skills, and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. where are brown bear habitat

Brown bear's habitat are usually found at Forest or wood

2. the....will be adoptad tomorrowa.funny brown persian fat catb.funny fat brown persian catc.brown funny fat persian catd.fat funny persian brown cate.fat funny brown persian cat​

Urutan noun phrase:

a/an - opinion - size - age - temperature - shape - colour - original - purpose - noun

Funny --> opinion

brown --> colour

persian --> original

fat --> shape

cat --> noun

Maka jawabannya adalah funny fat brown persian cat (B)

3. 1.What is the text about? HOTSa. the bearb. polar bearc. black beard. brown bear​

1. What is the text about? HOTS

a. the bear

b. polar bear

c. black bear

d. brown bear

2. Where did the polar bear lives?

a. polar

C. sea

b. wood

d. land

3. What fruit did the polar bear eat?

a. apple

c. jackfruit

b. orange

d. berries


1. Polar bear

2. sea

3. berries

Followaku jika kamu merasaterbantu:)

4. what are the meaning of purple ,brown,grey and silver.​


*Purple refers to any of a variety of colors with hue between red and blue. Purple is closely associated with violet. In optics, purple and violet refer to colors that look similar, but purples are mixtures of red light and blue or violet light, whereas violets are spectral colors. In common usage, both refer to colors that are between red and blue in hue, with purples closer to red and violets closer to blue. Similarly, in the traditional painters' color wheel, purple and violet are both placed between red and blue, with purple closer to red.

*Brown is a warm color that stimulates the appetite. While it is sometimes considered dull, it also represents steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, dependability, and health. Shades of brown when combined with green create a palette often used to convey concepts of recycling, earth-friendly, or all natural. Dark brown can be used in place of black and brings warmth to color palettes.

The brown color says stability, reliability, dependability, and approachability. It is the color of our soil, growth, fertility, and earth, and it is associated the concepts of “all natural” and “organic.” Brown is the color of the Earth and is comforting and nurturing. The color brown affects the mind and body by creating feelings of wholesomeness, stability, and peace. Brown provides feelings of organization, history, and connection, as well as cozy feelings of relaxation and warmth. Brown is believed to help create a wholesome feeling, a connection with the earth, and a sense of orderliness and convention. Brown is a stable and grounded color that is believed to help you feel like you fit in and belong.

* Gray is a timeless and practical color that is often associated with loss or depression. Dark, charcoal gray communicates some of the strength and mystery of black. It is a sophisticated color that lack the negativity of the color black. Light grays can carry some of the attributes of the color white. The gray color affects the mind and body by causing unsettling feelings. Light grays are feminine in nature, while dark grays are masculine in nature.Gray is a cool, neutral, and balanced color. The color gray is an emotionless, moody color that is typically associated with meanings of dull, dirty, and dingy, as well as formal, conservative, and sophisticated.

*Silver, the metallic refined, distinguished color of riches, has cool properties like gray, but is more fun, lively, and playful. The color silver is associated with meanings of industrial, sleek, high-tech, and modern, as well as ornate, glamourous, graceful, sophisticated, and elegant. Silver is a precious metal and, like gold, often symbolizes riches and wealth. Silver is believed to be a mirror to the soul, helping us to see ourselves as others see us. As a gemstone silver represents hope, unconditional love, meditation, mystic visions, tenderness, kindness, sensitivities, and psychic abilities. Silver affects the mind and body as a conductor and communicator that aids in public speaking and eloquence. Silver is believed to draw negative energy out of the body and replace it with positive energy. Traditionally gray-haired seniors are viewed as just being old, while the phrase silver-haired traditionally describes a distinguished individual who is aging gracefully. Silver is the traditional twenty-fifth wedding anniversary gift. Silver together with turquoise and brown is often used in Southwestern artwork.

Semoga Membantu^^


those are all colors in English, and if interpreted into Indonesian it looks like this which means purple is ungu, brown means cokelat, grey means a

abu-abu, and silver means perak.

itu disuruh ngartikan kedalam bahasa indonesia maksudnya gitu?

5. 1. Which statement is not true according to the text ?a. brown bear eats meatb. brown bear can beat a tigerc. brown bear are tame animalsd. brownie will keep away when it sees peopletolong artikan ya makasih

1. Mana pernyataan berikut yang tidak benar menurut teks ?

a.) beruang coklat makan daging.
b.) beruang coklat dapat menyaingi singa.
c.) beruang coklat merupakan hewan jinak.
d.) brownie (saya tdk tahu artinya) akan pergi ketika melihat orang-orang.

Menurut saya, jawabannya c.1. Pernyataan mana yang tidak sesuai dengan teks?a. Sebuah beruang cokelat memakan dagingb. Beruang coklat bisa mengalahkan seekor harimauc. Beruang coklat adalah binatang jinakd. Brownie akan menjauhkan diri saat melihat orang

Semoga membantu

6. Susunlah kata - kata ini menjadi kalimat ! The-is-.-cat-brown

the cat is brown
maaf klo kurang tepatThe cat is brown.
Semoga membantu!

7. the largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in alaska. "brown as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. but, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are shocked. some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger. what does the text mostly tell about?


brown bear


karena teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang brown bear (beruang cokelat)

8. my cat is brown. i like ......... very much​


jawaban= my cat is brown. i like it very much

9. a) Yellowb) Orangec) Purpled) Brown

the color he most likes purple

10. you .... brown cat. a.has b.have​


B. Have.

semoga membantu-!


you have brown cat, b.


maaf kalo salah

11. What are the meaning of purple,brown,grey and silver.tolong jawab ya


purple = ungu

brown = cokelat (jadi inget Among Us :v)

grey = hitam abu-abu

silver = (the real) abu-abu


Purple: Ungu

Brown: Cokelat

Grey: Abu-abu kehitaman

Silver: Abu-abu


What are the meaning of purple,brown,grey and silver.

(Apa arti ungu, coklat, abu-abu dan silver.)

12. 4. My daughter saw a ... under the tables of indomaret last night. A. Poor little brown cat B. Little brown poor cat C. Brown little poor cat D. Brown cat little poor 5. Sinta raised her hand, snapped her finger, and... A. Asking a question B. Asked a question C. Ask a question D.Had asked a question


1. A

2. B


1. Karena yang paling cocok adalah kalimat yang itu

2. Menggunakan past tense

13. -purple -brown -lime -pink -red -white -black -cyan -blue -yellow


-purple artinya ungu

-brown artinya coklat

-lime artinya jeruk nipis

-pink artinya merah muda

-red artinya merah

-white artinya putih

-black artinya hitam

-cyan artinya cyan

-blue artinya biru

-yellow artinya kuning

kata cyan seharusnya cyan color yg artinya warna cyan

semoga bermanfaat dan membantu


Warna dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Black = hitam.

White = putih.

Red = merah

.Blue = biru.

Yellow = kuning.

Green = hijau.

Orange = oranye.

Purple = ungu.

brown = coklat.

pink = merah muda.



14. arrange these words!has-brown-cat-he-a​


He has a Brown Cat


Dia Punya Kucing Coklat.

Semoga Membantu.


• has-brown-cat-he-a



= he has a brown cat


15. my cat has brown and sortfur​


Inggris :

my cat has brown and sortfur

Indonesia :

kucing saya memiliki warna coklat dan sortfur


Maaf klo salah

Semoga membantu

16. you ( )I'm ( ) pinipel ( )orange ( )pink ( )black ( )whait ( )purple ( )brown ( )papi ( )sister ( )bhoder ( )momi ( )byby ( )​






Merah Jambu










17. Has two pets, white and brown cat


Memiliki dua hewan peliharaan, kucing putih dan coklat

18. Yellow:Green:Red:Blue:Cyan:Lime:Brown:Pink:White:Black:Purple:​







Lime:hijau lime


Pink:merah muda




19. orangeyellowtrianglebrowncirclerectanglepurplesquareWhiteovalcircle​


orange : jingga

yellow : kuning

triangle : segitiga

brown : coklat

circle : lingkaran

rectangle : persegi panjang

purple : ungu

square : persegi

white : putih

oval : lonjong

circle : lingkaran


Terjemahan kata kata di atas adalah:

Rectangle:Persegi panjang

Semoga membantu.

20. Describe the rabbit, bear, cat

                                    about the rabbit
          i have a is my pet, the name is bunny,it is a white rabbit
i verry like it,because his so cute and flufy.bunny always eat much foot,so his cheeks become bigger.

        about cat
        i have a cat her name is cuty she is so cute and flufy.she verry like eat meat.but she dont like vegetable verry much because she is carnivora

Purple Cat From Brown Bear. There are any Purple Cat From Brown Bear in here.

Low Lying Land Between Hills

Low Lying Land Between Hills, also known as intermontane basins, are areas of land that are located between two or more mountain ranges. These areas are typically lower in elevation than the surrounding mountains and can often be filled with rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. They are often characterized by diverse ecosystems and an abundance of natural resources. **What are some of the characteristics of low lying land between hills?** The characteristics of low lying land between hills include having a lower elevation than the surrounding mountains, being filled with rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, and having diverse ecosystems and an abundance of natural resources.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds ____ on adjacent hills


Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds

nearby on adjacent hills


2. what are the different between low fat and low saturated fat? bantu​


what are the different between low fat and low saturated fat?

artinya: Apa perbedaan antara Low Fat dan Low Saturated Fat?


Reduced atau less fat = kandungan lemak dikurangi 25 persen dari produk reguler. Saturated fat free = bebas lemak jenuh: maks 0,5 gr per takaran saji. Low saturated fat = rendah lemak jenuh: kurang dari 1 gr lemak jenuh per takaran saji.

maaf kalo salah

3. Some of the district of columbia are on low-lying marshy ground.



beberapa distrik Colombia berada di dataran rendah berkawa

4. boundary meeting between land and sea Called



beacouse beach = pantai


5. Some of the District of Columbia are on low-lying, marshy ground. Which is inccorect?

ga ada yg salah kok dalam gramatika. mungkin ada narasi atau teks sebelumnya yg tidak cocok dengan pernyataan diatas.

6. 5. Sahara is the widest... in the world.a. desertb. savannaC. high landd. low land​


Sahara is the widest... in the world.

a. desert

b. savanna

C. high land

d. low land

7. How do we call the land between the two enemy trenchesBagaimana kita menyebut tanah di antara dua parit musuh

kita mnyebutnya tanah yg ada di antara dua parit musuh adalah banjir /flood

8. The glaciers began to melt;therefore,the land bridge between asia and nourth america became flooded.

Inggris - Indonesia

Inggris :
The glaciers began to melt;therefore,the land bridge between asia and nourth america became flooded.

Indonesia :
Gletser mulai mencair, oleh karena itu, jembatan darat antara asia dan amerika utara menjadi banjir.

Semoga membantu^_^

9. di negara mana beacon hills itu

kalau nggak salah di California, US. Pernah lihat

10. timah hills berada di negara?

buki timah hill berada di negara singapura
kyaknya ya,,,,,kalau gak di singapore ya malaysia

11. central low land di australia meskipun kurang curah hujan tetapi pertanian dan pertenakan berkembang dengan baik karena

cadangan air yang besar

12. Find out the meaning! (1. This is what you find between two hills. 2.This is where the earth meets the sky. 3.This is a very small river. 4.You can make this by cutting a tree. 5.This is an area of very wet land.


1. Inilah yang akan kau temukan diantara dua bukit.

2.inilah tempat dimana bumi bertemu dengan langit

3. ini adalah sungai yang sangat kecil

4. kamu bisa membuat ini dengan menebang sebuah pohon

5.ini adalah area dengan tanah yang sangat basah.

saya harap jawaban saya ini benar dan bisa membantu.

13. 13. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories? *A. Another villageB. MountainsC. ForestsD. Hills​


What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories? *

A. Another village

B. Mountains

C. Forests

D. Hills


Answer : C forests


c. forests


semoga membantu maaf klo salah

14. make 3 false sentences lying and not lying!

this sentence is false" is true, then the sentence is false, but if the sentence states that it is false, and it is false, then it must be true, and so on

mksdnya gitu gk sih?maaf kalo salah

15. At 7 o'clock tomorrow, you ...... on the beach.A. will be lyingB. will lyingC. lyingD. will​

B. will lying

Semoga membantu


A. will be lying


Future continuous tense :

(+) S + will/shall + be + V-ing

(-) S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing

(?) will/shall + S + be + V-ing?

16. di mana kota beacon hills itu

di kota boston
smg brmanfaat
Boston, Massachusettes

17. between cheetahs,tiger and dog,which are fastest land animals in the world?


Cheetah Is The Answer


Follow JeniusMTK

⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️Jawaban ada di foto

Semoga membantu Ya teman teman ☺

18. what are the different between low sodium and low sodium meal?bantu pliss​

Apa perbedaan antara makanan rendah sodium dan rendah sodium?

Bantu pliss

19. The sick man . . . on his bad now .A. doesn’t lying B. don’t lying C. is not lyingD. not is lyingE. is lying​


The sick man is lying on his bed now.

20. The sick man. On his bed now A. Does not lying. D. Not is lying B. Is not lying. E. Is lying.


A.Does not lying


maaf klo salah

Low Lying Land Between Hills. There are any Low Lying Land Between Hills in here.

96 Divided By 8

96 Divided By 8

What is Division?

Division is a mathematical operation that involves dividing one number (the dividend) by another number (the divisor) to find the quotient.

How to Divide?

When dividing, you need to divide the dividend (the number that's being divided) by the divisor (the number that's doing the dividing) to find the quotient (the answer). In other words, the dividend is divided by the divisor to find the quotient.

Example: 96 Divided by 8

Let's use the numbers 96 and 8 to demonstrate the division process.

Step 1: Calculate the Quotient

The quotient is found by dividing 96 by 8. 96 divided by 8 is 12.

Step 2: Check the Answer

To check the answer, we can multiply the divisor by the quotient. 8 times 12 is 96, which is the same as the dividend. Therefore, the answer is correct.
In conclusion, 96 divided by 8 is 12. This can be verified by multiplying 8 and 12, which is equal to 96.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. a naturan number n has remainder 1 when divided by 5. it also has remainder 2 when divided by 6, 4 when divided by 8 and 2 when divided by 9. what is the smalles value of n?

four dedid by eight is one devided by two

2. what is 100 divided by 10 multiplication by 100 divided by 50



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat ya


berapakah 100 dibagi 10 dikalikan 100 dibagi 50=20

maaf klo salah

3. 16. 45: 15 = ...A Forty five divided by fifteenB. Four five divided by one fiveC. Forty five divided by fiveteenD. Fourteen five divided by fifteen​


A. Fourty five divided by fifteen


45 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fourty Five

15 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fifteen

catatan: angka belasan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Teen, dan angka puluhan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Ty di belakang angka/kata pertama.


4. sixty divided by fifteen equal​


60 : 15 = 4

Divided : dibagi


enam puluh dibagi lima belas sama dengan


60 : 15 = 4

so sixty divided by fifteen equals four

5. fifty divided by two is

the answer is twenty fivefifty divided by two is a twenty five

6. seventy-two divided by twelve is


Six = Enam


Seventy-two = 72

Twelve = 12

Divided = Dibagi

By = Dengan

= 72 ÷ 12

= 6

Semoga membantu :)

7. One hundred divided by ......... is five


divided by 20 ,


Seratus dibagi dengan ........ adalah


8. 7 divided by 18repeating fraction.

Subject : Mathematic
About : Divided
7 divided by 18 mean .....
7 : 18
= 7 / 18
= 0,388¯

-Prisco[tex] \frac{7}{18} [/tex]

Iterasi pertama,
[tex] \frac{18}{7} = 2+\frac{4}{7} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{4}{7}} [/tex]

Iterasi kedua,
[tex] \frac{7}{4}=1+\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{3}{4}}} [/tex]

Iterasi ketiga,
[tex] \frac{4}{3} = 1+\frac{1}{3} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{7}{18} = \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

9. 155 divided by 9 equals ... r ...

155/9 = 17,22

hope this helpful! ^-^

10. Ten divided by two equals to​


Ten divided by two equals to five.

Sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima


Semoga membantu:)


Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)


pertama, kita artikan satu persatu ya..

ten = 10 (sepuluh)

divided by = dibagi oleh

two = 2 (dua)

equals to.. = sama dengan...?

10 : 2 = 5.

sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima.

so, (maka),

Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)

jadi jawabannya adalah FIVE (LIMA).


semoga membantu ^^jadikan jawaban terbaik / tercerdas, ya!

11. 786.4 divided by 0.6 = ?


786,4 divided by 0,6 = 1.311

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

786,4 : 0,6 = 7864/10 : 6/10

=7864/10 x 10/6=78640 /60

=7864/6 = 1.310,67 =1.311

Hope it helps and not wrong

12. ten divided by two is

ten divided by two is fiveten divided two is five...

13. thirty divided by ten is...


thirty divided by ten is... arti dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah tigapuluhdibagi sepuluhadalahtiga(three)


semoga membantu ✨


tigahpuluh dibagi sepuluh

14. eighty divided by Ten equals to​




80 = eighty

divided by = dibagi

10 = ten

80 : 10 = 8

[tex]80 \div 10 = \: 8[/tex]

15. sixty nine divided by seventy is​

Answer: there is no.



16. What is eighty divided by five?

Jawaban: sixteen


eighty divided by five means 80:5 = 16

so, the answer is sixteen.

hope you find this help you^•^




Berapa delapan puluh dibagi lima? enam belas

17. forty divided by eighet is.... ​


40 : 8 = 5. (empat puluh dibagi delapan)

the answer is five



semoga membantu ❣️

18. Twenty divided by four is

itu artinya 20 dibagi 4 hasilnya 5five. semoga bisa membantu

19. Forty five divided by five is ....​

45 : 5 = 9

the answer is nine

20. Fifty divided by five is

Jawaban: Ten

Penjelasan: 50 ÷ 5 = 10

96 Divided By 8. There are any 96 Divided By 8 in here.