
Signs You Are A High Priestess

A High Priestess is a powerful spiritual figure who is a leader in her community. She has a deep connection with her intuition and is a strong advocate for justice and equality. **Q: What are some signs that you may be a High Priestess?** A: Some signs that you may be a High Priestess include having a strong connection to your intuition, feeling a deep calling to serve the greater good, having a passion for justice, and being a natural leader in your community.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. the animal 1 Gravel 2 zebra 3 Eleven 4 tiger quality the high priestess there are the real 234​





2. there are..... signs​


There are many signs.


3. Traffic/road signs are


traffic lights are an important part of equipment on the road usually in the form of numbers, letters or symbols. The purpose of traffic signs is to provide warnings, prohibitions or instructions for road users.Semoga Membantu-!!

4. II. Answer the questions.Regulatory signs describe a range of sign that are used to indicate orreinforce traffic laws, regulations or requirements. It is applied either at all times or at specified times or places upon a street or highway, the disregard of which may constitute a violation. It is signs in general that regulate public behavior in places open to the public. Regulatory signs include Stop Signs, Yield Signs, Speed Limit Signs, Do Not Enter, Handicapped, One Way Signs and HOV Signs.Questions1. What do regulatory signs describe?2. Where are regulatory signs used?3. Why are regulatory signs used?4. What do regulatory signs include?5. What is the function of regulatory signs?​


1. What do regulatory signs describe?

Regulatory signs describe the various signs used to show or strengthen past laws, regulations or requirements cross.

2. Where are regulatory signs used?

On the road or highway.

3. Why are regulatory signs used?

Regulatory signs are used to: regulate people's behavior in places open to general.

4. What do regulatory signs include?

Regulatory signs include Stop Signs, Surrender Signs, Speed ​​Limit Signs, No Entry Signs, Disabled Persons, One Way Signs, and HOV Signs.

5. What is the function of regulatory signs?​

Its function is: to convey information in the form of warnings, prohibitions, orders, or instructions for the purpose of maintain security and order.


Semoga membantu

5. 1. what do you see in the picture? 2. where do you think the girls are? 3. what is the girls on the right doing? 4. what signs are there in the picture? 5. what other signs may you find in such a place?

1. I see a girl who reprimand other girl that will throw the rubbish on the road, whereas there is a sign to not littering

2. I think the girls are in school

3. She will throw her rubbish on the road

4. There are three sign. The left sign is a sign that prohibit people to pick the flower. The middle sign is a sign to prohibit people for littering. The right sign is a sign to prohibit people step on the grass

5.  Keep the cleanliness (jagalah kebersihan)

Tandai Jawaban Ini Sebagai Jawaban Yang Terbaik :)

6. traffic/road signs are...​


Jawaban nya B kak


Semoga membantu

7. 1. what do you see in the picture? 2. where do you think the girls are? 3. what is the girl on the right doing? 4. what signs are there in the picture? 5. what other signs may you find in such a place?

1. I see a girl who reprimand other girl that will throw the rubbish on the road, whereas there is a sign to not littering

2. I think the girls are in school

3. She will throw her rubbish on the road

4. There are three sign. The left sign is a sign that prohibit people to pick the flower. The middle sign is a sign to prohibit people for littering. The right sign is a sign to prohibit people step on the grass

5.  Keep the cleanliness (jagalah kebersihan)

Tandai Jawaban Ini Sebagai Jawaban Yang Terbaik :)

8. traffic/road signs are...​

Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to road users. The earliest signs were simple wooden or stone milestones. Such pictorial signs use symbols (often silhouettes) in place of words and are usually based on international protocols.

9. why are regulatory signs used​we are regulatory us


Mengapa tanda - tanda perundang - undang di gunakan

10. how many signs are there? what are they ? jawab

berapa banyak tanda disini? apa aja? Signs=rambu rambu lalu lintas??

11. Why are regulatory signs used ?


The term regulatory sign describes a sign used to indicate or assess traffic laws, regulations or requirements that apply either at any time or at a particular time or place on a road or highway, which ignoring them can represent, or the signs generally governing public behavior in places open to the public

12. Maaf tolong in aku ya artiin arti nya itu apa? what can you see in the picture where do you think it is who are they do you see any signs in the picture how many sign are there what do you think about the signs have you ever seen a similiar sign in your town

apa yang dapat Anda lihat pada gambar di mana Anda pikir itu adalah siapa mereka Anda melihat tanda-tanda pada gambar berapa banyak tanda yang ada apa pendapatmu tentang tanda-tanda Apakah Anda pernah melihat tanda serupa di kota Andaapa yang anda lihat pada gambar
di mana kamu berpikir ini adalah
siapa mereka
apakah kamu melihat banyak tanda pada gambar
berapa banyak tanda-tanda yang ada
bagaimana pendapat anda tentang tanda-tanda
pernahka ada melihat tanda yang serupa di kota anda

13. what are the similarities between road signs and signs at schoolplis help

they are both signs which give us instructions that need to be obeyed and keep us save

14. translate pake bahasa indonesia signs and symbols people use signs and symbols to make it easier. clearer and more convenient to communicate with each other. and you probably know many of the signs that they use to send information to each other. some are pleasant some are not so pleasant.from these two figures you can understand what they mean almost everyone will use signs to communicate at some time in their life.people who are totally deaf may use signs almost all the time one system of signs has been developed which deaf people can com-municate this is called the makaton system figures in the second box show some makaton signs another place where signs are used a lot is on the road. here are the examples of the road signs road signs must present information quickly and clearly it would be dangerous if people found a road sign confusing sign and signals are often used to communicate information.symblos are very much like signs they are used to stand for or represent something many large companies. organisations and movements have their own symbols.all the symbols above are hazard warning symbols they are used to label dangerous chemicals in a container

tanda-tanda dan simbol-simbol orang menggunakan tanda-tanda dan simbol-simbol untuk membuatnya lebih mudah. lebih jelas dan lebih mudah untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain. dan Anda mungkin tahu banyak tanda-tanda bahwa mereka gunakan untuk mengirim informasi satu sama lain. beberapa menyenangkan ada juga yang tidak begitu pleasant.from dua tokoh ini Anda dapat memahami apa yang mereka maksudkan hampir semua orang akan menggunakan tanda-tanda untuk berkomunikasi pada beberapa waktu di life.people mereka yang benar-benar tuli dapat menggunakan tanda-tanda hampir semua waktu satu sistem tanda telah dikembangkan yang orang tuli dapat com-municate ini disebut angka sistem Makaton di kedua box menunjukkan beberapa tanda-tanda Makaton tempat lain di mana tanda-tanda yang banyak digunakan adalah di jalan. di sini adalah contoh dari tanda-tanda jalan tanda-tanda jalan harus menyajikan informasi secara cepat dan jelas akan berbahaya jika orang menemukan tanda jalan membingungkan tanda dan sinyal sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi information.symblos sangat banyak seperti tanda-tanda mereka digunakan untuk berdiri untuk atau mewakili sesuatu banyak perusahaan besar. organisasi dan gerakan memiliki sendiri symbols.all simbol di atas adalah simbol peringatan bahaya mereka digunakan untuk label bahan kimia berbahaya dalam wadah

15. arti dari Are you a student in junior high school​


apakah kamu murid di sekolah dasar/sd


semoga benernya

Apakah kamu murid smp?

16. describe the categories of these road signs.1. warning signs have a function to warn people on the road.2.regulatory signs are divide into prohibitory signs and mandatory signs3.some drivers on the toll road see road signs to direct them in choosing the right direction​


jelaskan kategori rambu jalan ini.

1. Rambu peringatan berfungsi untuk memperingatkan orang di jalan

2. Rambu regulasi dibagi menjadi rambu larangan dan rambu wajib

3. Beberapa pengemudi di jalan memutar melihat rambu-rambu jalan untuk mengarahkan mereka dalam memilih arah yang benar

17. 1. what do you see in the picture? 2. where do you think the girls are? 3. what is the girls on the right doing? 4. what signs are there in the picture? 5. what other signs may you find in such a place?

1. 2 girls
2. park/garden
3. stand up
4.dont litter
keep off the grass
don't pick flowers
5. no1. I see a girl who reprimand other girl that will throw the rubbish on the road, whereas there is a sign to not littering

2. I think the girls are in school

3. She will throw her rubbish on the road

4. There are three sign. The left sign is a sign that prohibit people to pick the flower. The middle sign is a sign to prohibit people for littering. The right sign is a sign to prohibit people step on the grass

5.  Keep the cleanliness (jagalah kebersihan)

Tandai Jawaban Ini Sebagai Jawaban Yang Terbaik :)

18. What are the functions of these traffic signs? *


Traffic signs are utilized as a method of warning and guiding drivers, helping to regulate the flow of traffic among vehicles, pedestrians, motorcycles, bicycles and others who travel the streets, highways and other roadways.

serves as a warning, prohibition, order, or direction for road users.


Traffic signs are parts of road equipment in the form of symbols, letters, numbers, sentences and / or combinations that serve as warnings, prohibitions, orders, or directions for road users.

19. bahasa inggris ARE you a senior high school student

apakah kamu seorang siswa SMA?Apakah kamu murid sekolah menengah atas ?

Tandai Jawaban Ini Sebagai Jawaban Yang Terbaik :)

20. There are ........ signs along the road.


Left arrow. left arrow. ...

Right arrow. right arrow. ...

Left turn arrow. turn left. ...

Right turn arrow. turn right. ...

Up arrow. ...

Left oblique down arrow. ...

Right angled down arrow. ...

Signature of the minimum speed in kilometers (km)


Hope it is useful :)


There are many signs along the road


semoga membantu ^ᴗ^

Signs You Are A High Priestess. There are any Signs You Are A High Priestess in here.

Cod Kin Crossword Clue

Cod Kin Crossword Clue is a type of puzzle where a clue is given and the answer must be determined by rearranging the letters in the clue. The clue will typically feature two words or phrases separated by a dash and the answer will be a word or phrase. For example, the clue could be "tuna-fish" and the answer would be "infants".

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. No. 9 di crossword ini apa?




Moh.Yamin adalah orang yanf menuliskan dan membaca teks sumpah pemuda pada tanggal 28 10 1928




clue clue taa ii a n njjg

3. Crossword.. Help me..

1. basketball
4. volleyball
10. baseball
7. football
8. judo
6. running
13. tennis
14. diving
15. fencing
17. golf
18. smiwmming
19. canoeing
20. riding

maaf acak dan ada yang belum.soalnya sekalian nentuin kolom wkwk

4. Complete this crossword

Show the whole crossword.

5. 5 riddle in crossword plissss

2. Something you wear in winter, to keep you warm.
4. Men wear them on their legs. (British English)
5. You wear it to keep the top half of your body warm in winter.

1. Men wear them on their legs. (American English)
3. You wear it around your neck.

1. Pants
2. Coat
3. Tie
4. Trousers
5. Sweater

- Semoga dapat membantu. -

6. Food Crossword Puzzle ​


FoodCrosswordPuzzleArtinyaTeka-teki silang makanan


7. DO THE crossword plis​


1. Farmer
2. Waiter
3. Nurse
4. Vet
5. Postman
6. Mechanic
7. Scientist



Maaf Kalau salah

1. Farmer
2. Waiter
3. Nurse
4. Vet
5. Postman
6. Mechanic
7. Scientist

8. Antonyms crossword puzzle jawaban​


Antonyms crossword puzzle.


Teka-teki silang antonim.


Maaf Klo Salah

9. complete the crossword puzzle!!!​


1. in

2. below

3. under

4. beside

5. between

6. behind

7. above

8. on

semoga membantu

10. Do The Crossword puzzle​


kita coba ya








10. SEE

11. BYE






7. HOW


11. crossword please bantu ​






5.not late/beginning






maaf klo salah


2. wet

5. right

6. light

9. proper

11. near

13. cold

15. young

17. full

12. "jawablah Crossword diatas!"​


1. above

2. in front of

3. behind

4. on

5. around

6. above

7. in

8. between

Semoga membantu!!

Jaikan yg terbaik yaa!!


1. under

2. in front of

3. beside

4. on

7. in

8. Between

9. behind


maaf ya klu salah, semoga membantu

13. complete the following crossword puzzle​

Can you ask her a question? (Clue)


apaan anjir clue nya aja ketutupan

14. crossword puzzle my hobby

teka_teki silang hobi saya

15. contoh cara mendeskripsikan orang dengan clue-clue

Contohnya seperti ini:
Berambut panjang
Berkulit sawo matang
Bemata sipit

16. solve the crossword ​


6. niece

7. married?

8. stepbrother

9. stepsister

11. children

12. nephew

13. husband?

17. Crossword tolong nomor yang belum selesai


14 mendatar King

itu yang depannya huruf I mendatar nomor nya berapa ya? buram


14. mendatar king

Maaf kalo salah :(

18. compete the crossword puzzle​


➡️ Accross

3. bathroom

4. diningroom

6. window

7. livingroom

8. floor

⬇️ Down

1. kitchen

2. door

3. bedroom

5. garden

6. wall


Semoga Kamu Mendapatkan Nilai Yang Bagus, Semangat!

19. CLUE 1 : BENDA... CLUE 2 : LUMAYAN BERAT... CLUE 3 : UNTUK MEMBANTU PEKERJAAN... CLUE 4 : 2 SUKU KATA... CLUE 5 : langka apakh itu

katrol rangkap, maybe¿

20. Complete the following Crossword puzzle​


apa soalnya...

gk ada pertanyaannya

Cod Kin Crossword Clue. There are any Cod Kin Crossword Clue in here.

1 5 Cups Is How Many Ounces

1 **5 Cups Is How Many Ounces?** Answer: 5 cups is equal to 40 ounces.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 20. ... cups cups are there in the table? A. How is B. How are C. How muchD. How many​


How much cups are there in the table?

2. How many Cups are there​


gelas ghoib. maybe 9. ..


can you explain the meaning of the question?

3. 2 1/4 cups flour how many Gram?​


2 1/4 = 9/4

1 cup = 136 gr

9/4 x 136 = 306 gr

4. apa arti dari how many cups of water do you need to cookcups ​

Artinya: Berapa cangkir air yang Anda butuhkan untuk memasak?

Semoga membantu ^_^


Berapa cangkir air yang anda butuhkan untuk memasak

Maaf ya kalau salah dan semoga membantu

5. 1.How many cups be served per one container? 2.does the milk have trans-fat?how do you know?


1. four many cups be served per one

2. the milk have trans-fat


under stand????

6. 5 ounces tapioca,5 grams salt 5000 mg pepper how many grams are their mixture

500 grams of tapioca + 5 grams of salt + 5 grams of pepper = 510 grams

maaf kalau salah

7. (answer the question based on the picture) How many chairs are in the picture? …………………………….. How many plates are on the tables ? ………………………………… How many cups are in the picture? …………………………. Is there a knife on the table ? …………………………………………… Are there spoons in the picture? ............,............................


there are six chairs in the picture.

there are five plates on the table.

there are four cups in the picture.

there is a knife on the table.

there are spoons in the picture.

8. Two small pitchers and one large pitcher can hold 8 cups of water. The difference of the water quantity in big and small pitchers is two cups. how many cups of water can each pitcher hold?

two small piters can hold each 2 cups, and one large ptcher can hold 4 cups.
x = Small pitcher capacity (in cup)
y = Large pitcher capacity (in cup)

Based on first sentence:
2x + y = 8

Based on second sentence:
y = x + 2

Substitute the second equation to first one.
8 = 2x + y
8 = 2x + (x + 2)
8 = 3x + 2
3x = 8 - 2
3x = 6
x = 6 / 3
x = 2

Substitute x for y,
y = x + 2
y = 2 + 2
y = 4

Based on that countings,
Small pitcher capacity is 2 cups.
Large pitcher capacity is 4 cups.

9. how many cups of water do you need to cook 2 cups of rice?​


What is the Ratio of Water to Rice? The basic water to white rice ratio is 2 cups water to 1 cup rice. You can easily, double and even triple the recipe; just make sure you are using a pot large enough to hold the rice as it cooks and expands.


The basic water to white rice ratio is 2 cups water to 1 cup rice. You can easily, double and even triple the recipe; just make sure you are using a pot large enough to hold the rice as it cooks and expands.

10. Rosa prepares 264 cups of rose syrup at a party. She has 58 fewer cups of orange juice. How many cups of drinks are there?


total cups = 264+58= 822 cups

11. 3. How much raisins is needed to cookcurried riceO A 2 cupsO B. 1/2 cupO C3 cups0 0 4 cups​

b. 1/2 cup
it serves 4 people

hope it’ll help you!

12. (A) How many cups ....?(B) There are two cups.A. Are threeB. There areC. There haveD. Have there​


a. Are There


"How many cups are there" berarti "Ada berapa cangkir"


13. how many ounces of pure silver must be added to 36 oz kf 60% pure silver to make an alloy that is 76% pure silver?

36 ounce → 60% pure
x              → 76% pure

x = 36 x 76 / 60 = 45,6 ounce

You need to add 45,6 - 36 = 9,6 ounce of pure silver.

14. A.1. How much is the Oriental soup mix?2. Can you find any cat food?3. What kind of fruit drink is on sale?4. How much is the cough syrup?5. How many ounces (oz.) is the ketchup?6. Can you find any milk?7. What is there for babies?8. How many things cost a dollar or more?9. How many drinks are there?10. How many ice-cream bars are in a box?bantu jawab dong kakk:(((​


1.eighty nine cent

2.yes i can

3.lemonade juice(fruit drinks)

4.three dollar and seventy nine cent

5.28 oz i cant juice


9.two(lemonade drink(fruit drinks),baby juice

15. 11. how many cups are there?a.ten b.elevenc.twelved.thirteen​




semoga membantu:D

maaf kalau salah:)

dan jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik kalau benar jawabannya (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ sekian arigathanks


11.jawaban nya c.

12.jawaban nya a

13.jawaban nya c

14.jawaban nya a

15jawaban nya d

16.jawaban nya b


maaf kalo salah aku

16. 5 ounces tapioca,5 grams salt 5000 mg pepper how many grams are their mixture

1005 gram

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 ounces = 500 gram

5 gram = 5 gram

5000 mg = 500 gram

500+5+500= 1005 gram

17. 3. There are 8 children at the birthday party. Each child gets 2 1/5 cups of fruit juice. How many cups of fruit juice do the 8 children get?​


3 cups

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

8 children

1 child = 2,5 cups


8 : 2,5 or

[tex]8 \div \frac{11}{5} \\ 8 x \frac{5}{11} \\ \frac{8x5}{11} \\ \frac{40}{11} \\ = 3.6\: or \: 3 \: cups[/tex]

18. A: How ... cups do you need?B: I need two cupsa. muchb. manyC. couldd. can


B. many


karena object plural dan bisa dihitung


b. many

how many cups do you need

19. . A: How many cups are there?B :...five cupsA. There isC. There itB. There ared. Are there​


How many cups are there??

A. five cups:sebuah lima cangkir

B. there is:Ada

C. there it:itu dia

D. there are:Ada

E. are there:Ada

20. Rosa prepares 264 cups of rose syrup at a party. She has 58 fewer cups of orange juice. How many cups of drinks are there?


322 cups

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

rose syrup : 264 cups

orange juice : 58 cups

all cups : 264 + 58

= 322cups

So there are 322cupsofdrinks

Sorry if its wrong and hope it helps !

1 5 Cups Is How Many Ounces. There are any 1 5 Cups Is How Many Ounces in here.

3145 South Tryon Street

3145 South Tryon Street


3145 South Tryon Street is a commercial building located in Charlotte, North Carolina. The building is located in the heart of the city near the intersection of Tryon Street and South Boulevard, making it a prime location for businesses. It is a three story building with a total of 16,000 square feet of office space. It is also conveniently located near public transportation, restaurants, shopping, and other amenities.


3145 South Tryon Street is located in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina. It is situated at the intersection of Tryon Street and South Boulevard, making it easily accessible by car or public transportation. The building is surrounded by numerous restaurants, shopping, and other amenities, making it a prime location for businesses.


3145 South Tryon Street offers a variety of amenities to its tenants, including 24-hour security, an on-site gym, and a conference room. The building also features an elevator, a lunchroom, and a lobby. There are also plenty of parking spaces available for tenants and visitors.


3145 South Tryon Street is currently available for lease. The building is offered in a variety of floor plans, ranging from 500 to 16,000 square feet. The building is also capable of accommodating businesses of any size.
3145 South Tryon Street is an excellent commercial building located in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina. With its prime location and various amenities, it is an ideal location for businesses of any size. The building is currently available for lease and offers a variety of floor plans to accommodate businesses of any size.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. A = (3145) B=(3145) soalnya adalah d.A²+B²+2AB


2. 3145 ...+....+...+..​


gini kan

3. Could you tell me whereSouth Street is please?​


ini pasti perntanyaan nya ada petany ya?,petany mana y?

4. hasil dari 3145+ (-675) -(-875) +54 adalah menggunakan cara​





follow dan jadikan jawaban terbaik


3145 + (-675 -(-875) + 54 =

2370 -(-875) + 54 =

2370 + 875 + 54 =

3245 + 54 = 3299

5. Selisih hasil KPK dan FPB dari 45, 50 dan 70a. 3250b. 3245c. 3150d. 3145JAWAB DENGAN BENAR!!!​

FPB = 5

KPK = 3150




D. 3145

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

cari KPK dan FPB dulu

45 = 3×3×5

50 = 2×5×5

70 = 2×5×7

FPB = 5 (cari angka yg sama dari ketiganya)

KPK = 3x3x2x5x5x7 = 3150 (kaliin semua angka, kalo ada angka yg sama di dua/tiga tempat jadiin satu aja)

maka, 3150 - 5 = 3145

6. 193×53÷24+32÷2553×3145= Jgn ngasalnya




Hasilnya adalah 465,628623188.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

193 × 53 ÷ 24 + 32 ÷ 2.553 × 3.145 =

( 193 × 53 ) ÷ 24 + ( 32 ÷ 2.553 ) × 3.145 =

( 10.229 ÷ 24 ) + ( 0,01253427340 × 3.145 ) =

426,208333333 + 39,4202898550 =


Maaf kalo salah

Moga bermanfaat

Jadiin jawaban terbaik


7. Hasil dari 3145 + 24 dikurang 982 adalah

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:





Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:




8. grand asia hotel is on.... a.jembatan dua street b.bandengan selatan street c.kopi street d.pluit raya street​


B.Bandengan selatan street

semoga membantu

9. I live in Minangkabau Street No. 89, South Jakarta. The sentence above is used to tell your…. A. interest B. hobby C. address D. hometown


is used to tell your address


C. Address

I hope that will help

10. Andrea: excuse me, …………………………………………?grace: sure, the hospital is on tenth street, about 20 minutes away by foot.go south on this street two blocks until you come to the stop light.the suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

jawab: where is the way to the hospital?

11. 1. Agung lives ............... South Kalimantan. 2. My father’s office is ..................... West Pancoran Street, Pancoran – South Jakarta. 3. My brother’s school is located ..................... Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. 4. My aunt’s new house is ................. 4, Kenari Street, West Bogor. 5. I will visit Kinaya’s house ............... Kedondong Street number 17, Pulogadung. 6. My sister have an online friend who lives ................. Canada. 7. There are many islands ................... my country, Indonesia. 8. The new restaurant is located .............. Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta. 9. My parents first met ................ this avenue long time ago. 10. I live ................ Safari Street number 85, Kepanjen, Malang.​


1. in



12. The llibrary is on …. aMain Street bFirst Street cSecond Street dCentral Street​


The library is on main street.

13. 5. The gas station is on the ... side of MerdekaStreet.a. westsouthb. eastd. southeast​


where is the floor plan ???

14. it is an orange Street and near the restaurant the name of the place is......... a. eastb. Westc. Southd. north​


b west


maaf kalau salah


Maaf kalau ada salah

15. hasil dari 3145+ (-675) -(-875) +54 adalah​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Tiga Ribu Tiga Ratus Sembilan Puluh Sembilan.





semoga membantu✨

16. Arti the are many Street from the northto the south

ada banyak jalan dari utara ke selatan

semoga membantu

17. The direction between south and west is ... A. South westB. South NorthC. South eastD. North west​


B. South North



A.South west(barat daya)


terjemahannya adalah:Arah antara selatan dan barat adalah ... A. Barat Daya B. Selatan Utara C. Tenggara D. Barat Laut

jadi jwbnnya A.Barat daya

maaf klw salah

semoga mmbntuu✨

18. 3145 dibagi 5 adalah​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

kalau benar follow ya

tapi kalau salah ya monmaap

19. Woman : Can you tell me where south street is? Man : A. Yes, he lives on south street. B. Yes, it's about five minutes walk in that direction. C. No, you can't turn around there because of the flood.

jawabannya b
karena si pria menanyakan tentang direction/arah suatu tempat

tandai jawaban terbaik ya,
semoga membantujawabannya B. yes it's about five minutes walk in that direction

20. d. bank8. Mentari Elementary School is on the ...side of Permata Hijau Street.a. westC.northb. eastd. south9. The opposite of north is ....a. westc. north eastb. southd. east​

Percakapannya kok ga da , ga bisa menjwab klo ga da soalnya

3145 South Tryon Street. There are any 3145 South Tryon Street in here.

What Is The Least Common Multiple Of 15 And 6

The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers is the smallest number that is a multiple of all of them. For example, the LCM of 15 and 6 is 30, because 30 is the smallest number that is a multiple of both 15 and 6. **What is the LCM of 15 and 6?** The LCM of 15 and 6 is 30.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. what is the sumof the greatest common divisior of 20 and 36 and the least common multiple of 10 and 12

the greatest common divusir of 20 and 36 is 4
the least common multiple of 10 and 12 is 60

2. The least common multiple of 45, 60 and 90 is

[tex]45 = {3}^{2} \times 5 \\ 60 = {2}^{2} \times 3 \times 5 \\ 90 = 2 \times {3}^{2} \times 5 \\ LCM = {2}^{2} \times {3}^{2} \times 5 = 180[/tex]

3. Least common multiple of 4abc and 6a³b is

4abc x 6a³b

= 4 x 6 x a¹+³b¹+¹c

= 24a⁴b²c4abc x 6a³b = 24a⁴b²c

4. What is the lowest common multiple of 91, 143, and 169​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

91 = 13 x 7

143 = 13 x 11

169 = 13 x 13

KPK nya 13

5. find the lowest common multiple of 6 and 16​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

EYES ON ME,  좋은 아침, 허가 응답\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/


KPK/LCM dari 6 dan 16 adalah: 48

maaf jika salah


6. Find the sum of all the common factors of 4 and 16. Multiply the result by the first common multiple of 2 and 5. What is the answer?


common factors of 4 and 16 is 4

common multiple of 2 and 5 is 10

4 x 10 = 40

maaf kalau salah

7. find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 10,12 and 24 is..... tolong dijawab yaaaa​


10 has for multiples 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,etc. 12 has for multiples 0,12,24,36,48,60,72,etc. The lowest common multiple is 60.


semoga membantu


8. Find the first common multiple of 3 and 4


3 = 1 x 3

4 = 2 x 2 = 2²

First Common Multiple -> 3 . 2² = 3 . 4 -> 12

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Make it as the best answer :)

Don't forget to follos

9. 6 Tim is thinking of a number. The number is a multiple of 6 It is also a multiple of 9. The number is between 60 and 80. What number is Tim thinking of?​


6 Tim sedang memikirkan sebuah angka. Angka tersebut adalah kelipatan 6 Ini juga merupakan kelipatan 9. Angka tersebut antara 60 dan 80. Angka berapa yang Tim pikirkan?



Semoga membantu

10. i'm two digit number.I'm one less from a multiple of 5 and a multiple of 7.What is the least number i could be?​


4 and 6

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

i'm two digit number.I'm one less from a multiple of 5 and a multiple of 7.What is the least number i could be 4 and 6

di list down saja kelipatan 7 dan dikurangi 1

7 - 1 = 6

14 - 1 = 13

28 - 1 = 27

35 - 1  = 34 --> ini jawaban yg benar, disebabkan karena 7x5 = 35

42 - 1 = 41

49 - 1 = 48

11. which of the following is a common multiple of 3 and 8?

angka yang bisa didapat dari perkalian 3 dan 8
jawabannya 48
3x16 = 48
8x6 = 48

12. Find the lowest common multiple of 25, 27, and 32​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

25: 5²

27: 3³

32: 2^5

2^5 × 3³ × 5²


Sorry if it false

13. what is the common factor of 50 and 20​





[tex] [/tex]








14. 2. The lowest common multiple of 6, 15 and x is 90. Find the possible values of x if x is an odd number.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

15. Find the lowest common multiple of 6 and 9

Hmmm... ini nyari KPK kan ya?

KPK 6= {6, 12, 18, 24, ...}
KPK 9= {9, 18, 27, 36, ...}

Maka Dari itu KPK Dari 6 Dan 9 adalah 18.

16. we have 2 natural numbers a and b. their least common multiple is 40 and their greates common divisior is 2. what the value of a and b?

2×20 = 40
sorry if I wrong

17. which of the following is a common multiple of 3 and 8?

bahasa inggris atau mtk

18. Find the lowest common multiple of 12 and 20



Artinya:cari kelipatan persekutuan terendah dari 12 dan 20

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

gitu bukan?

maaf ya kalok salah

19. 1. What is the greatest common factor of 351 and 36?2. What is the greatest common factor of 152 and 24?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Faktor dari 351:

351 = 1 × 351

351 = 3 × 117

351 = 9 × 39

351 = 13 × 27

Faktor dari 351 = {1, 3, 9, 13, 27, 39, 117, 351}

faktor dari 36 :

1 x 36 = 36

2 x 18 = 36

3 x 12 = 36

4 x 9 = 36

6 x 6 = 36

faktor dari 36 adalah 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18

faktor perseketuannya : 1,3,9

faktor terbesarnya : 9

semoga membantu

20. the smallest common multiple 12 and 15 is​




12 = 2 x 2 x 3

15 = 3 x 5

Atau :

12 = 12 , 24 , 36 , 48 , 60 , 72...

15 = 15 , 30 , 45 , 60...

sorry if im wrong

What Is The Least Common Multiple Of 15 And 6. There are any What Is The Least Common Multiple Of 15 And 6 in here.

60 Percent Off 60

What is 60 Percent Off?

60 Percent Off is a popular sales and marketing strategy used by businesses to entice customers to purchase their products and services. It is a way to offer a discount of up to 60% off the original price of an item or service.

Why is 60 Percent Off Used?

60 Percent Off is used to increase sales or promote services that the business may be struggling to sell. It can be used as a way to attract new customers, or to encourage existing customers to try a new product or service. It is also used to encourage customers to purchase more, or to take advantage of other offers and promotions.

How Does 60 Percent Off Work?

60 Percent Off works by reducing the price of an item or service by up to 60%. For example, if an item is originally priced at $100, a 60% discount would reduce the price to $40. This discount can be applied to individual items or services, or to a bundle of items or services.
Benefits of 60 Percent Off
The main benefit of using 60 Percent Off is that it can be used to significantly increase sales. It can also be used to increase brand awareness and attract new customers. Additionally, it can be used to reward loyalty and encourage customers to purchase more.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 109-60=note: dah pengen off ​


cara dan jawaban terlampir

2. Kuis |Off selamanya. 5a + 6 - 1 = 60 a = .... Note: Bye

~ Jawaban

1) 5a + 6 - 1 = 60

5a + 6 - 1 = 60

5a + (6 - 1) = 60

5a + 5 = 60

5a + 5 - 5 = 60 - 5

5a = 60 - 5

5a = 55

a = 55/5

a = 11 ✔

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5a + 6 - 1 = 60

5a = 60 + 1 - 6

5a = 61 - 6

5a = 55

a = 55/5

a = 11

3. quiz spesial off-,200² × 10² + 560³ × 10³note: -:​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

200² × 10² + 5

= (200×200) × (10×10) + 5

= 40.000 × 100 + 5

= 4.000.000 + 5

= 4.000.005

60³ × 10³

= (60×60×60) × (10×10×10)

= 216.000 × 1.000

= 216.000.000


200² × 10² + 5

= (200×200) × (10×10) + 5

= 40. 000× 100 + 5

= 4.000.000+ 5

= 4.000.005


60³ × 10³

= 60×60×60 × 10×10×10

= 3.600×60 × 100×10

= 216.000 × 1.000

= 216.000.000

4. qwizzizin mau off selama beberapa hari ya (:2/5 - 3/6 =?4!=?100-30% + 60=?​

[tex] \mathbb \color{aqua} \underbrace{JAWABAN}[/tex]

[tex] \iff \small \boxed{ \sf \frac{2}{5} - \frac{3}{6} = \boxed{ \bold{ - \frac{1}{10}} }}[/tex]

[tex] \iff \boxed{ \sf 4! = \boxed{ \bold{24} }}[/tex]

[tex] \iff \small \boxed{ \sf 100 - 30\% + 60 = \boxed{ \bold{159 \frac{7}{10} } }}[/tex]


[tex] \mathbb \color{orange} \underbrace{PENYELESAIAN}[/tex]

SOAL 1 :

[tex] \sf \frac{2}{5} - \frac{3}{6} \longrightarrow \small \boxed{ \sf samakan \: penyebutnya}[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{12}{30} - \frac{15}{30} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{12 - 15}{30} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{ - 3}{30} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = - \frac{3}{30} \longrightarrow \small \boxed{ \sf sederhanakan}[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \bold{ - \frac{1}{10} }[/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

SOAL 2 :


= 4 × 3 × 2 × 1

= 12 × 2 × 1

= 24 × 1

= 24

[tex] \\ [/tex]

SOAL 3 :

[tex] \sf100 - 30\% + 60 \longrightarrow \small \boxed{ \sf ubah \: menjadi \: pecahan \: biasa}[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{100}{1} - \frac{3 \xcancel0}{10 \xcancel0} + \frac{60}{1} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{100}{1} - \frac{3}{10} + \frac{60}{1} \longrightarrow \small \boxed{ \sf samakan \: penyebutnya}[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{1.000}{10} - \frac{3}{10} + \frac{600}{10} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{1.000 - 3 + 600}{10} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{1.597}{10} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \bold{159 \frac{7}{10} }[/tex]


[tex] \mathbb \color{red} \underbrace{KESIMPULAN}[/tex]

Jadi, jawabannya adalah :

[tex] \iff \small \boxed{ \sf \frac{2}{5} - \frac{3}{6} = \boxed{ \bold{ - \frac{1}{10}} }}[/tex]

[tex] \iff \boxed{ \sf 4! = \boxed{ \bold{24} }}[/tex]

[tex] \iff \small \boxed{ \sf 100 - 30\% + 60 = \boxed{ \bold{159 \frac{7}{10} } }}[/tex]

[tex] \colorbox{ff0000}{} \colorbox{ff4000}{}\colorbox{ff8000}{}\colorbox{ffc000}{}\colorbox{ffff00}{}\colorbox{c0ff00}{}\colorbox{80ff00}{}\colorbox{40ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff40}{}\colorbox{00ff80}{}\colorbox{00ffc0}{}\colorbox{00ffff}{}\colorbox{00c0ff}{}\colorbox{0080ff}{}\colorbox{0040ff}{}\colorbox{0000ff}{}\colorbox{4000ff}{}\colorbox{8000ff}{}\colorbox{c000ff}{}\colorbox{ff00ff}{}\colorbox{ff00c0}{}\colorbox{ff00a0}{}\colorbox{ff0080}{}\colorbox{ff0040}{} [/tex]

5. SPAM QUIZ DI AKUN INIIII TERAKHIR HARI INI UNTUK 1 TAHUN INI60² + 30³Sudah yamau offassalamualaikum​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

60² + 30³

(60×60) + (30×30×30)

3.600 + 27.000



27.000 +


= 30.600



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

60² + 30³

(60×60) + (30×30×30)

3.600 + 27.000

¹ 3.600




jadi 60²+30³=30.600

semoga jawaban nya membantu

6. [tex]\colorbox{black}{\purple{\boxed{\colorbox{black}{\purple{{Quizz}}}}}}[/tex]120÷2+60=Nt:Dah bye mau off​


Dahulukan operasi dalam kurung, lalu dilanjutkan Perkalian/pembagian, lalu baru menyelesaikan penjumlahan/pengurangan


= 120÷2+60

= 60 + 60

= 120

Diketahui :

120 ÷ 2 + 60 = ...

Ditanya :

Hasilnya adalah ...

Dijawab :


[tex]120 \div 2 + 60 \\ = 60 + 60 \\ = 120[/tex]


[tex]\huge{\mathfrak{\purple{Semoga \: membantu! }}}[/tex]


7. Soe answer 42 out of 60 question corretty whatPercent of her answers are correct​


60 x n/100 = 42

6n/10 = 42

6n = 420

n = 420 : 6

n = 70

70% of her answer are correct

8. Tolong dijawab nomor 59 dan 60 karena dikumpulkan nantik sore beserta penjelasannya juga ya. Nomor 59 saya nggak tau hubungan suhu trs yang nomor 60 saya nggak tau on itu nyala atau mati trs off apa sebaliknya tolong dijawab segera ya!!!!

Air selalu dipanaskan. Jawabannya:
D. Garis BC dan DE menyatakan tidak dipanaskan

S1 on = menyala = tertutup / tersambung
S2 off = mati = terbuka / tidak tersambung
Lampu yang menyala adalah lampu yang langsung dilewati arus dari baterai melewati S1 tanpa melewati S2

Lampu yang menyala:
Semua lampu
Bila S2 tak ada, tak berpengaruh apapun

D. A, B, C, dan D

9. Kuis gawat161³ × 60² =Auh takut di hapus ( ・ั﹏・ั) gawatOff dulu​


161³ = 161 x 161 x 161

= 4.173.281


60² = 60 x 60

= 3.600





[tex]\pink{\huge\sf\tt \bold{\boxed{\colorbox{black}{Annisa♥}}}}[/tex]

161³ × 60²=


161³ × 60²


(25921×161) × 3600

4173281 × 3600

= 14923811600




O = 10

F = 30

F = 60


Nilai dari OFF ?


OFF = O × F × F

ㅤㅤ = 10 × 30 × 60

ㅤㅤ = 300 × 60

ㅤㅤ = 18.000 ✔️

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


[tex] \tt = 10 \times 30 \times 60[/tex]

[tex] \tt = (1 \times 3 \times 6)000[/tex]

[tex] \tt = 18.000[/tex]


[tex]{ \boxed{ \tt \color{ff968a}{i} \color{f3b0c3}{v} \color{ffccb6}{a} \color{ffffb5}{u} \color{abdee6}{r} \color{fee1e8}{f} \color{ffc5bf}{a} \color{cce2cb}{v} \color{d4f0f0}{si} \color{a2e1db}{de} \color{ffdbcc}{la} \color{a2e1bd}{ne} \color{ffaea5}{02}}}[/tex]

11. 7.446.401 di percent kan menggunakan percent change​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7.446.401 di percent kan menggunakan percent change adalah 7,4%

12. tysm kak warn ny :3kangen di warn semnjak off jdi mod T^T_____________________tentukan hasil dari sin 60° + cos 30°:)​

[tex]sin \: {60}^{ \circ} + cos \: {30}^{ \circ} \\ \\ = \frac{1}{2} \sqrt{3} + \frac{1}{2} \sqrt{3} \\ \\ = \left( \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\right) \sqrt{3} \\ \\ = \left( \frac{2}{2} \right) \sqrt{3} \\ \\ = 1 \sqrt{3} \\ \\ = \sqrt{3} [/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]


sin 60° + cos 30°

= √3/2 + cos 30°

= √3/2 + √3/2

= (√3 + √3)/2

= 2√3/2

= 3

13. quiz60+70-40÷8×1.000nt : pengen habisin poin soalnya mau off :v​

60 + 70 - 40 ÷ 8 × 1.000

= 60 + 70 - ( 40 ÷ 8 ) × 1.000

= 60 + 70 - ( 5 × 1.000 )

= 60 + 70 - 5.000

= 130 - 5.000

= -4.870

☞ pertanyaan :
60 + 70 - 40 ÷ 8 × 1.000

☞ pembahasan :
didalam sebuah perhitungan , hendaknya mendahulukan perkalian dan pembagian , kemudian penambahan atau pengurangan .

☞ penyelesaian :
60 + 70 - 40 ÷ ( 8 × 1.000 )
= 60 + 70 - ( 40 ÷ 8.000 )
= ( 60 + 70 ) - 200
= 130 - 200
= 70

by @Reza01Gaming
✯ pelajari lebih lanjut :
• 847 × 262 =..?
• 55+6=...... 55×6=....​

✯ detail jawaban :
• pelajaran : MTK
• sekolah : SD
• kelas : 1 - 4
• tema : perhitungan

14. Quiz ( Terakhir )1. 2500 + 700 - 60 2. 400 + 200 - 50_____________________Akun ini akan Off sekitar 1 tahun ​

Dik :2500 + 700 - 60 = ...400 + 200 - 50 = ...Dit :

Hasilnya adalah ...

Dijwb :1.2500 + 700 - 60

= 3200 - 60


2.400 + 200 - 50

= 600 - 50










15. Q. [ Off Pindah Acc/Akun ]Jika dalam 1 jam terdapat 60 menit. Maka, Dalam waktu 12 Jam terdapat berapa Menit? • Gunakan Cara Terlampir/Tertulis• Tidak Mengasal​

1 Jam = 60 menit

12 Jam = 12 × 60

12 Jam = 720menit

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12 jam = 720 menit

cara terlampir

16. Fpb dari 50 dan 60sekali lagi ada yang apus jawaban/pertanyaan ku, aku off 1 minggu​


maaf bila slh

snng bs mmbntu

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:




jadikan yang terbaiknya

17. Come back bntr aja deh :') Tentukan x dan y dengan metode eliminasi! 5x + 2y = 60 2x + 2y = 30 byeee mauk off lg :')


x = 10, y = 5

5x + 2y = 60

2x + 2y = 30

3x = 30

3x = 30

x = 30/3

= 10

2x + 2y = 30

2×10 + 2y = 30

20 + 2y = 30

2y = 30 - 20

= 10

y = 10/2

= 5


x = 10 , y = 5

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5x + 2y = 60

2x + 2y = 30


5x + 2y = 60

2x + 2y = 30

------------------- -

5x - 2x = 60 - 30

3x = 30

x = 30 ÷ 3



5x + 2y = 60 (× 2) 10x + 4y = 120

2x + 2y = 30 (× 5) 10x + 10y = 150

----------------------- -

4y - 10y = 120 - 150

-6y = -30

y = -30 ÷ (-6)


18. QUIZ ✨60²+15=?9²+15³=?80²-14³=?pakeecaraa! note :OFF ✨​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

60² + 15 = ( 60 × 60 ) + 15

= 3.600 + 15

= 3.615

9² + 15³ = ( 9 × 9 ) + ( 15 × 15 × 15 )

= 81 + 3.375

= 3.456

80² - 14³ = ( 80 × 80 ) - ( 14 × 14 × 14 )

= 6.400 - 2.744

= 3.656

mapel : matematikakelas. : 5materi : bilangan berpangkat

[tex]\huge{\red{\mathfrak{Jawaban :}}}[/tex]

[tex] {60}^{2} + 15[/tex]

[tex] = (60 \times 60) + 15[/tex]

[tex] = 3.600 + 15[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\tt \: \red{}\boxed{\tt \: = 3.615}}[/tex]


[tex]2. \: {9}^{2} + {15}^{3} [/tex]

[tex] = (9 \times 9) + (15 \times 15 \times 15)[/tex]

[tex] = 81 + 3.375[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\tt \: \red{}\boxed{\tt \: = 3.456}}[/tex]


[tex]3. \: {80}^{2} - {14}^{3} [/tex]

[tex] = (80 \times 80) - (14 \times 14 \times 14)[/tex]

[tex] = 6.400 - 2.744[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\tt \: \red{}\boxed{\tt \: = 3.656}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge{\red{\mathfrak{Penjelasan: }}}[/tex]

Bilanganberpangkat adalah bilangan yang berfungsi untuk menyederhanakan penulisan dan penyebutan suatu bilangan. Contohnya adalah A³ = A × A × A

╰─➤ Berikut adalah jenis jenis bilangan:PecahanCacahPositifNegatif NolPrimaBulatIrrasionalRasional

PELAJARI LEBIH LANJUT–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝Detail Jawaban :❞Mapel : MatematikaKelas : 9Materi : Operasi Hitung Bilangan berpangkatKata Kunci : Akar dan Bilangan berpangkatKode soal : 2.Kode Kategorisasi : 9.2.1–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––#LearnWithBrainly#ZaGansZ

19. Put the words in order: off/ sale/ with/ it’s / fifty/ on / percent

It’s on sale with fifty percent off.

Ini dijual dengan diskon 50%.

20. Hidup di negara kecil itu enak! 90² + 60² =Nt: Maaf Tadi Off Setengah Jam, Soalnya pesawatnya off semua :l ya pilih Maskapai lain aja​

90² + 60² = 11.700

▶️ ( 90 × 90 ) + ( 60 × 60 )

▶️ 8.100 + 3.600

▶️ 11.700 ✔️

Pembahasan :

Bilangan berpangkat merupakan perkalian berulang suatu bilangan, dimana bilangan dapat berpangkat bulat positif, bulat negatif, maupun nol. Bilangan berpangkat berfungsi untuk menyederhanakan penulisan.

Contoh Bilangan pangkat dua yaitu :

1² = 1 × 1 = 1

2² = 2 × 2 = 4

3² = 3 × 3 = 9

4² = 4 × 4 = 16

5² = 5 × 5 = 25

6² = 6 × 6 = 36

7² = 7 × 7 = 49

8² = 8 × 8 = 64

9² = 9 × 9 = 81

10² = 10 × 10 = 100

Contoh Bilangan pangkat tiga yaitu :

1³ = 1 × 1 × 1 = 1

2³ = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8

3³ = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27

4³ = 4 × 4 × 4 = 64

5³ = 5 × 5 × 5 = 125

6³ = 6 × 6 × 6 = 216

7³ = 7 × 7 × 7 = 343

8³ = 8 × 8 × 8 = 512

9³ = 9 × 9 × 9 = 729

10³ = 10 × 10 × 10 = 1.000

Bilangan pangkat empat yaitu :

1⁴ = 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 = 1

2⁴ = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16

3⁴ = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 81

4⁴ = 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = 256

5⁴ = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 = 625

6⁴ = 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 = 1.296

7⁴ = 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 = 2.401

8⁴ = 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 = 4.096

9⁴ = 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 = 6.561

10⁴ = 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 10.000

Aturan-aturan operasi hitung campuran yaitu :

➡️ Operasi yang berada dalam kurung dikerjakan lebih dahulu.

➡️ Dahulukan bilangan berpangkat.

➡️ Dahulukan perkalian dan pembagian sebelum penjumlahan dan pengurangan.

➡️ Jika ada perkalian dan pembagian tanpa tanda kurung, kerjakan berurutan dari kiri ke kanan.


Pelajari Lebih Lanjut :

▶️ Konsep Perkalian Lengkap

▶️ Pengertian Rumus operasi hitung

▶️ Pengertian bilangan berpangkat


Detail Jawaban :

Mapel : Matematika

Kelas : 9

Bab : Bab 1 - Bilangan Berpangkat

Kata Kunci : Pengertian Bilangan berpangkat, Sifat-sifat perpangkatan, contoh bilangan berpangkat, Aturan operasi hitung campuran



░ --------MÄSTËRKĪÑGØFMĀTH-------- ░


60 Percent Off 60. There are any 60 Percent Off 60 in here.